9.12. report

9.12.1. report bug

rocks report bug

Report info about the system to help debug issues.


$ rocks report bug

Report system info.

9.12.2. report dbhost

rocks report dbhost

9.12.3. report distro

rocks report distro

Output the path prefix for the location of the Rocks distribution.


$ rocks report distro

Output the current path prefix to the distribution.

9.12.4. report host

rocks report host

Report the host to IP address mapping in the form suitable for /etc/hosts.


$ rocks report host

Outputs data for /etc/hosts.

9.12.5. report host attr

rocks report host attr [host] [attr=string] [pydict=bool]

Report the set of attributes for hosts.



Host name of machine



Output just the value of a particular attribute


Output as a python-formatted dictionary. Defaults to false. Only valid if attr parameter is not specified.


$ rocks report host attr compute-0-0

Report the attributes for compute-0-0.

$ rocks report host attr compute-0-0 pydict=true

Report the attributes for compute-0-0 as a python dictionary suitable for input to rocks report script.

$ rocks report host attr compute-0-0 attr=Kickstart_Lang

Output value of the attribute called Kickstart_Lang for node compute-0-0.

related commands

report script

9.12.6. report host bootflags

rocks report host bootflags [host...]

Output the kernel boot flags for a specific host



Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, info about all the known hosts is listed.


$ rocks report host bootflags compute-0-0

Output the kernel boot flags for compute-0-0.

9.12.7. report host config411

rocks report host config411

9.12.8. report host dhcpd

rocks report host dhcpd {host}

Output the DHCP server configuration file for a specific host.



Create a DHCP server configuration for the machine named 'host'. If no host name is supplied, then generate a DHCP configuration file for this host.


$ rocks report host dhcpd frontend-0-0

Output the DHCP server configuration file for frontend-0-0.

9.12.9. report host firewall

rocks report host firewall {host}

Create a report that outputs the firewall rules for a host.



Host name of machine


$ rocks report host firewall compute-0-0

Create a report of the firewall rules for compute-0-0.

9.12.10. report host interface

rocks report host interface {host} [iface=string]

Output the network configuration file for a host's interface.



One host name.



Output a configuration file for this host's interface (e.g. 'eth0'). If no 'iface' parameter is supplied, then configuration files for every interface defined for the host will be output (and each file will be delineated by <file> and </file> tags).


$ rocks report host interface compute-0-0 iface=eth0

Output a network configuration file for compute-0-0's eth0 interface.

9.12.11. report host network

rocks report host network {host}

Outputs the network configuration file for a host (on RHEL-based machines, this is the contents of the file /etc/sysconfig/network).



One host name.


$ rocks report host network compute-0-0

Output the network configuration for compute-0-0.

9.12.12. report host roll

rocks report host roll [host]

Create a report in XML format for a set of rolls that should be applied to a frontend's configuration.



Host name of machine


$ rocks report host roll frontend-0-0-0

Report the rolls assigned to frontend-0-0-0.

9.12.13. report host route

rocks report host route {host}

Create a report that contains the static routes for a host.



Host name of machine


$ rocks report host route compute-0-0

Create a report of the static routes assigned to compute-0-0.

9.12.14. report named

rocks report named

Prints the nameserver daemon configuration file for the system.


$ rocks report named

Outputs /etc/named.conf

9.12.15. report post

rocks report post [arch=string] [attrs=string] [os=string]

Take STDIN Rocks Graph node file(s) and create shell scripts that execute the post section.



The architecture type.


Attributes to be used while building the output shell script.


The OS type.


$ rocks cat database.xml | rocks report post attrs={'os':'linux'}

Take database.xml file in the base roll and create a script from the post section. Adding attrs="{'os':'linux'}'" to the command will also expand os=linux tags.

$ rocks cat database.xml | rocks report post attrs=`rocks report host attr localhost`

Take database.xml file in the base roll and create a script from the post section. Take all attributes from the database

9.12.16. report resolv

rocks report resolv

Report for /etc/resolv.conf for public side nodes.


$ rocks report resolv

Outputs data for /etc/resolv.conf for the frontend.

9.12.17. report resolv private

rocks report resolv private

Report for /etc/resolv.conf for private side nodes.


$ rocks report resolv private

Outputs data for /etc/resolv.conf for compute nodes.

9.12.18. report script

rocks report script [arch=string] [attrs=string] [os=string]

Take STDIN XML input and create a shell script that can be executed on a host.



The architecture type.


Attributes to be used while building the output shell script.


The OS type.


$ rocks report host interface compute-0-0 | rocks report script

Take the network interface XML output from 'rocks report host interface' and create a shell script.

9.12.19. report tentakel

rocks report tentakel

Create a report that can be used to configure tentakel.


$ rocks report tentakel

Create a tentakel configuration file.

9.12.20. report version

rocks report version [major=boolean]

Output the version of Rocks.



Just print the Major Version. Default is 'no'


$ rocks report version

Output the current Rocks version.

9.12.21. report zones

rocks report zones

Prints out all the named zone.conf and reverse-zone.conf files in XML. To actually create these files, run the output of the command through "rocks report script"


$ rocks report zones

Prints contents of all the zone config files

$ rocks report zones | rocks report script

Creates zone config files in /var/named

related commands

sync dns