2.1. Customizing the perfSONAR Roll

This section describes the default perfSONAR configuration and some simple cusomizations that can be applied in Rocks

By default, perfSONAR client tools are installed on all appliance types The perfSONAR roll makes use of attributes to enable perfSONAR components to be installed on any appliance. Attributes control what is installed.

The basic customizations that can be applied without and scripting/programming by setting global, appliance, or host attributes. Please see the commands rocks set attr help and rocks list attr help

Table 2-1. Attributes Used in perfSONAR Roll

Attibute NameDescription
perfSONAR_DAEMONSIf true, Enable perfSONAR owampd and bwctld daemons. Otherwise disable
perfSONAR_BWCTLD If true, install the bwctld daemon.
perfSONAR_OWAMPD If true, install the owampd daemon.
perfSONAR_UI if true, install the complete perfSONAR UI.