2.2. On an Existing Server

The Ganglia Roll can be installed on running frontend.

The following procedure will install the roll on the frontend. After the frontend reboots, the roll will be fully configured.

First download the Ganglia Roll ISO from the Rocks web site. Then, as root, execute:

# rocks add roll ganglia*iso
# rocks enable roll ganglia
# cd /export/rocks/install
# rocks create distro
# rocks run roll ganglia | bash

The Ganglia requires more manual steps after the above completes. This step is necessary as it adds a table to database and that procedure requires the root password. To complete the installation, then create a file named /tmp/ganglia.sql and put the following in it:

insert into wp_links (link_name, link_description, link_url, link_category)
       values ('Cluster Status', 'Click here to monitor your cluster',

Then as the root user, execute:

# /opt/rocks/bin/mysql --user=root -p cluster < /tmp/ganglia.sql

Then reboot:

# init 6

To apply ganglia to the compute nodes, you will need to reinstall the compute nodes, e.g.,:

# rocks run host compute "/boot/kickstart/cluster-kickstart-pxe ; exit"