Chapter 7. Advanced Tasks

Table of Contents
7.1. Managing the Firewall on the Cluster Nodes
7.1.1. Opening a Port in a Node's Firewall
7.1.2. Closing a Port in a Node's Firewall
7.2. Flashing BIOS on Compute Nodes Using PXE
7.3. Adding a Login Appliance to Your Cluster
7.4. Channel Bonding Interfaces
7.5. Frontend Central Server
7.6. Cross Kickstarting
7.6.1. Cross Kickstarting x86_64 Compute Nodes with a i386 Frontend
7.6.2. Cross Kickstarting i386 Compute Nodes with a x86_64 Frontend
7.7. Adding Kernel Boot Parameters
7.7.1. Adding Kernel Boot Parameters to the Installation Kernel
7.7.2. Adding Kernel Boot Parameters to the Running Kernel